Resident Evil and Silent Hill Showcases, Gotham Knights, Bayonetta 3, and FFXVI Trailer | PB#40

Welcome to Pressing Buttons, a podcast about video games! In this episode Nick and Hugo discuss the showcases for Resident Evil and Silent Hill. We also talk about Gotham Knights reviews, DualSense Edge pricing, the Bayonetta 3 controversy, and the new Final Fantasy XVI trailer! Enjoy the show!

00:00 Introduction
02:22 Resident Evil Showcase
11:48 Silent Hill Showcase
19:43 Gotham Knights
26:03 Bayonetta 3 Controversy
35:24 DualSense Edge Pricing
43:29 Final Fantasy XVI Trailer
50:01 Closing Thoughts / Horizon
53:10 House of the Dragon
55:08 Andor
57:02 League of Legends Playoffs
59:23 Welcome to Wrexham
1:03:57 Warzone

The show is produced and edited by Nick and Hugo. Our show art is by DPazDesign. (

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