Starfield and Redfall Delay, Gotham Knights Reaction, and Playdate Impressions | PB#19

Welcome to Pressing Buttons, a podcast about video games! In this episode Nick and Hugo talk about the delay of Starfield and Redfall. We also discuss the Gotham Knights gameplay demo and provide some initial impressions of the Playdate! Enjoy the show!

00:00 Introduction
02:29 Starfield and Redfall Delay
15:30 Gotham Knights Gameplay Demo
26:50 No No Kuni: Cross Worlds Release Date
29:10 Playdate Impressions
41:40 Closing Thoughts / League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational
44:30 Miles Morales Completed
51:18 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The show is produced and edited by Nick and Hugo. Our show art is by DPazDesign. (

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